What is ChatGPT ?


Open AI has become the biggest AI hit globally since Nov 2022. Its advent soon acquired > 1M users within the first 5 days of its launch It soon becomes the top search keyword on the internet.

In January 2023, Microsoft & Open AI also widespread their next phase of a continuously exclusive partnership with Microsoft for increasing investment in AI development, along with exclusive deployment across Microsoft B2B & B2C clients. Lately, some applications across the Microsoft ecosystem are released publicly.

“The past three years of our partnership have been great,” said Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI. “Microsoft shares our values and we are excited to continue our independent research and work toward creating advanced AI that benefits everyone.” (Source: Microsoft)

Now, Google has announced its AI-powered chatbot, Bart available for experiments with the registry in advance.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI that was realeased in November 2022. It is built on top of OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 families of large language models that can understand and generate natural language or code

GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer” – a language model that uses the transformer architecture and has been pre-trained on large amounts of text data.

It’s the result of a strategic partnership between OpenAI and Microsoft since 2019 in which OpenAI can use multiple supercomputing systems powered by Azure. Therefore, it is capable of generating human-like responses to natural language inputs.

What are the product features?

Newspapers and experts have shared lots of breakthroughs, and superior features of ChatGPT. Without big data and a supercomputer powered by Azure, OpenAI cannot have enough data and resources to pre-train chatbots. Here are my own experiences about it:

  • Human-like responses – polite, in a good manner, especially in English as ChatGPT answers itself that thanks to big data in English, its model was trained better than others.
  • The conversation is progressive, and continuous, thanks to generative pre-trained transformer algorithm long short-term memory like the way you are chatting with a partner. I tested Bing AI Chat or Microsoft’s AI-powered Bing – another chatbot powered by OpenAI, the result is even better. Asking the same question for 2nd time, Bing AI chat offers a second shortened answer than the previous, followed by reference sources.
  • The later version is speedier & more accurate than the previous one, tested by OpenAI and proven test with some global companies like Morgan Stanley, Thanks to the collaboration with Microsoft OpenAI can access a supercomputer which is a single system with more than 285,000 CPU cores, 10,000 GPUs and 400 gigabits per second of network connectivity for each GPU server.
  • Versatile or functional virtual assistant: While ChatGPT-3.5 & GPT-4 models can process like-human text the DALL·E 2 can generate realistic images and art from a description in natural language.
An example of how ChatGPT responds

How can chatGPT be deployed in daily life?

  • Translate languages with higher accuracy and quicker and from a wide range of input
  • Draft an email or other piece of writing or summarise meeting/recap, schedule management, email sending. Let’s think once it is integrated into our daily MS Office?!
  • Answer questions in the natural language and personalized conversation on desktop or chatbot 247.
  • Facilitate day-to-day tasks like virtual assistant at smart home and application in other home appliances
  • Assist virtually in marketing: content generation, managing social media accounts, response management
  • Education tutor in a range of subjects
  • Write Python coding
  • Give your software a natural language interface
  • Simulate characters for video games and much more

Is it perfect? Yes and No

No doubt that ChatGPT is a game changer in artificial intelligence in both positive and negative ways.

Higher productivity

Soon it will dominate the global market and become the new norm of the market. By dint of an extended exclusive partnership with Microsoft, OpenAI can quickly scale up its application at the global scale. Microsoft announced its meeting recap feature on Teams and Bing chat available on market again. Users can have a more refreshing experience online.

Time saving

We can save a lot of time to sort out time-consuming tasks such as language interpretation, content generation, and customer service. Thus, we can spend more time on strategic planning and coordination among stakeholders.

As mentioned above, Google has expanded its testimonial for a group of customers so far, as an action after the ChatGPT 4 release in early March. It seems that rigorous competition among tech giants starts. Think positively, during the gloomy period as more giants lay off, it’s the drive for market growth as the cash flow in AI R&D is increasing, especially at Google, Facebook or Meta, Apple…

A visual from DALL.E – Pablo Picasso abstract style Source: OpenAI

More concerns are shared publicly so far on the internet, especially its applications in daily life.

Plagiarism and cheating

they are the first mentioned as students can easily copy ChatGPT answers into school work. Besides, how can the searching algorithm might pay credit to the original content creator as more applications or internet users use answers – text generation from ChatGPT?


 as the chatbot just bounces back with pre-trained answers and assumptions, based on a large data set on the internet, how can askers know and judge if their data source is biased, wrong, or incorrect?

Training data and application

 being too powerful can be a disadvantage such as mail spam, phishing emails… OpenAI itself also acknowledges some risks and threats of using ChatGPT for wicked intent. How to deploy ChatGPT responsibly is a big question or concern.

Global lay-off

One more threat that I am sure that more biased mindsets will think of, especially during gloomy days of the global economy: is massive lay-off. I do agree that more employers will prefer tools for daily tasks, coding with just a few orders rather than human beings. But, don’t think it’s a bad thing, please. None of the technologies can work without humans. To address the above concerns, the developers and OpenAI must work harder to ensure their responsible deployment. We should become the proactive subject and the person who creates changes instead.

From the digital marketing side, I see that it will change the way we do marketing in the next couple of years. The changes here are not only from customer behaviors as customers will change their searching (traffic will be transferred from Google to Chatbot – for instance Bing or even Bard) but all other marketing technologies – or SaaS or marketing technologies from the back end to the front end. How searching algorithm will count referrals and credit for original content creators? Or are we completely dependent on this assistant? It’s an interesting topic to explore later.

How to work with ChatGPT? Beside AR, AI Chatbot is just another emerging digital marketing trends this year, simple and sensible answer for us to day is: Explore it NOW!

Norwich, 03. 2023


PS: I requested ChatGPT to translate this note into Vietnamese. I rate work performance 7.5/10. You can see it here .

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