Kate N.

Affiliate marketing overview


This writing is a part of digital marketing notes that I summarize myself during my own work as digital transformation. During that journey, I find out that lots of SMEs manager/ founder lack foundation of online marketing. Therefore, this series emerges. It offers  non-specialist an overview but details enough for performance management/ ROI. You can …

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What is performance marketing?

A short and thoroughly updated understanding of digital marketing, particularly performance marketing that benefits all size business. This note series targets middle management level and upper who do not possess practical experience and understanding of digital marketing.

Difference between Adtech & Martech

At present, ad tech and mar tech have become more and more popular in every marketing activity. In a word, it is the mechanism that automates and simplifies digital marketing tasks. However, the overdose use of these terms leads to some confusion for non-specialists, especially general managers. The evolvement and mushroom of tools and platforms …

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Team charter

A director or investor or business owner frequently gets the annoying question of how to build up a healthy business culture and strong teamwork. Personally speaking, a team charter will benefit any business unit that experiences ups and downs and needs improvement. In particular, it is also best suited when a new team is formed. …

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