[3/4] Kubler-Ross’s change curve & application in change management

Unlike other popular change management model, Kubler Ross model – change curve is based on 5 stage of grief description by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in 1969. Up to now, more readily know that these five stages of grief are the most commonly observed in the grieving population (Psychy) .

Also, it is widely utilized as a method of helping people understand their reactions to significant change or upheaval. In this reflection note, I will share my accumulation and lessons learned from this model. If interested, you can search for the model explanation easily online.


Understanding the Kubler-Ross change curve - Kübler-Ross Model
Source: Cleverism

According to Kubler Ross, when a patient is diagnosed terminally ill, they will experience shock/denial then frustration, then depression – the lowest point of emotion curve then start to experience, bargaining before accepting.

As the model leans on emotional changes which vary among personalities. Lately, extended research pointed out that these stages are not linear and some may not experience any of them. Other might only undergo a few stages rather than all five. Nevertheless, reader or change manager can catch 3 main stages of denialdepression (start to bargain) then acceptance, equivalent to the twisting point of the curve.

Given that this model works as reference for managers to understand the emotion fluctuation that a person is normally going through once facing changes. Given that people play the center role in any transformation projects. At the end of the day, changing is about the way people perform, communicate with each other.

How to “decipher” denial stage?

Before triggering any transformation, change manager or project manager needs to assess or evaluate business unit status. This stage is essential because PM will or have to:

  • declare the vision of future status and introduce the future stage agreement to key participants in the project
  • execute the cost of implementation, risk assessment and benefit analysis
  • assess people’s factors to choose the right approach & method to each group of staff
  • choose the right timing for change also matters

It depends how complex the project is so that the project manager will prepare assessments and do planning accordingly. It will help him/her to prepare the right attitude for coming changes; eliminate resistance from staff. At this stage, the manager also has to pick out key participants of the project and gradually build them up as advocates for changes.

How to prepare for severe depression and bargaining?

There are two must-achieved objectives in this stage:

Objective 1: configure system-based simulation with actual business practice discussion.

Objective 2: build up rapport and relationship with key participants and train them into the trainer and advocates for changes

The change assessment in the previous stage prepares change manager with even severe resistance and guides them how to deliver changes. Patience and insistence will work. They also need to emphasize the future status in regular stand-ups and motivate team to keep trying.

My experience of digital transformation projects shows that here is the most time-consuming and challenging stage. While delivering changes, or configuring a system, change manager has to build up rapport and relationship with participants – mainly top managers. Without dedicated support from key participants/ advocates, the configuration becomes so difficult as you cannot get enough understanding and information. And later when you roll out training across the home, advocates will back you up and engage other staff with changes.

I prefer Agile methodology and Kanban board to list down all requirements or tasks that add value to end users /staff that motivates them to change – or user stories. At user stories, I normally list down what facilitates managers’ daily jobs, what they expect with change & new system as the initial bonding between us. Because at the end of the day, performance improvement are their objectives and we are here to help.

How to facilitate the roll-out

When you go through the previous stage, the implementation is almost done. Let’s the trainers do their job. The project leader will standardize training and troubleshooting in case of difficult questions that trainers cannot handle.

One interesting part of SaaS is that the system will generate reports automatically and visually. Thus, the quarterly business review is essential not only to update team’s experience, but also troubleshoot minor issues and insights to boost performance. The frequency can be longer from monthly to quarterly as everything is in order.

Norwich, 03.2023

Kate Nguyen


(1) https://www.psycom.net/stages-of-grief


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